Has it really been OVER a week since my last post?!? I guess it has! Sorry about that. :) I thought I would spend this post catching up on everything that's been going on.
Last week... a friend of mine {her name is Emma} came to visit. She lives over an hour away (where we used to live) so she stayed with us the entire week. Every summer we make plans to see each other, and since she already has her license (*chuckle* --still working on mine!) this year it was her turn to come see me! ;) There are at least 4 things we typically do every summer.
#1 - Play cards. California Speed & Nertz are our all-time favorites. ;)
#2 - Go swimming. (In some form or fashion.) In the past we've gone to water parks and even jumped off docks into the lake, but this year we had to settle for something a little less extravagant: the pool in my backyard. :D
#3 - Go to the movie theater. In 2007 we saw Fantastic Four 2. I don't remember what we saw in 2008, but last year we saw Race to Witch Mountain and this year we saw the new movie Inception. (It was pretty good. Except for some unnecessary profanity. Argh!)
And last but not least...
#4 - Make cupcakes!! :D

Emma loved wearing my *fabulous* cupcake apron...
which fit in just perfectly for the occasion! ;)
These are our colorful creations... :)
Anyway, we had a really nice time together. Maybe next summer *I* can drive up to her house for a visit. ;D
Monday I went with my parents to several different appointments for my Dad. In between appts. we made a stop at a nearby Bass Pro Shops store. Mom agreed to take Dad there as long as he would comply to using his wheelchair once inside. Of course, he did. ;) I ended up buying him a new Bass Pro cap, and I even got one for myself. :D
Tuesday there were no appts. scheduled, so Mom decided to use that opportunity to take Sisters #2 and #3 to see a movie with Dad. 

They saw Despicable Me.
And of course, my sisters loved it! :)
Wednesday I had to go with my parents to Dad's speech and physical therapy at the rehab center, because I had an appointment with my orthodontist afterwards... Ah, the dreaded dentist.
(Not my picture)
I haven't mentioned this on my blog before, but I finally got braces put on last May. I missed my June and July appointments, but Mom was finally able to call and reschedule. ...I forgot how much I appreciate being able to eat and chew food without any pain! lol Now my mouth is very sore, but it should be feeling better in a couple of days. :)................................................
Today I stayed home with my little sisters while Sis #1 went with Mom and Dad for more speech and physical therapy at the rehab. Dad is still doing well. His trouble with being able to find the right words when speaking is still a bit of an issue, but he doesn't seem to have a problem with being confused anymore. Praise God! Please keep praying for us as we are about to make a decision on what method of treatment we need to use. We only want to be obedient to the Lord's will and whatever He has planned for Dad--whether that be a certain diet, MS drug, etc. Either way, we know that ultimately his healing will be from the Lord. :)
Alrighty! I think that about sums up these past two weeks for me. I thought I would end this post with a Bible verse of praise to the Lord...
"The nations will fear the name of the LORD, all the kings of the earth will revere your glory... Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD."
Psalm 102:15, 18
Praise the Lord! :)I hope you all have been enjoying a lovely week. God bless!
Wow, Taylor... I just logged into my dashboard, and you had posted 45 seconds ago. Talk about perfect timing! :D I really enjoyed your update!
I'm so glad Emma enjoyed the apron too! That made my evening. ;) Those cupcakes look sooo good. I wish I had one right about now. YUM! :D
I know what you mean about being able to eat without pain! Braces definitely serve as a great reminder of that fact. ;D I hope your mouth starts feeling better soon!
I'm so glad your dad is doing well! That's wonderful! We're continuing to keep y'all in our prayers. :)
Well, I guess this comment has gotten long enough. I'll talk to you later! ;)
~ Love & Hugs,
Lindsay <3
P.S. - I finally got a letter in the mail for you this morning. I'm so sorry it's taken this long!
Hi Taylor,
You sound busy!!!
But it sounds like you have been having fun. :D
I love your cupcakes!!! :-)
They're very pretty.
I do not like braces. I do not like the pain. :-P
But I am happy that they straighten teeth! :-)
I got mine off a couple months ago. (Yea!)
My family and I are praying for you, your family and your father.
We hope he is healed by God's hands.
Thanks for your update!
Sorry for the long pause in comments on your blog.
I hope you have a wonderful Friday!
Lindsay: Wow! That means you were up really late too. ;D I immediately went to bed after publishing this post. lol
Yeah, Emma loved that apron!! She was like, "Tell Lindsay we used it. She'll love that!" =)
Thanks for praying. I'm looking forward to getting your letter... Don't worry about the wait. ;)
Leah: I'm glad you're done with braces! That must have been so nice to get them off. :)
Thanks so much for keeping us in your prayers! I hope you're having a wonderful Friday as well. :)
Lots of love to you both,
~ Taylor
HI! I love those cupcakes! Very creative :)
Taylor, so good to hear from you! I'm happy that your Dad is continuing to improve. That's such a blessing! I know exactly what you mean when you say braces hurt. I've had them on for 3 years now and can't wait to get them off. Hope you have a blessed weekend, dear friend!
Hey again Taylor,
Awwww, thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Don't worry about not commenting... I do that a lot! I usually read a post, and then I end up commenting on it later. But that's fine! :)
Haha, in reply to your above comment... yes, I was up late (the exact habit I'm attempting to break!). Ack! :/
Anyway, I just had to comment again! *smiles*
~ Lots of Love,
Lindsay <3
P.S. - I'm glad you liked my BIG hug! :) Heh... that was actually the front of the card I had started my other letter to you with. But since it got so outdated, I just decided to start a new letter. However, I couldn't resist cutting the front of the card off, glueing it to some cardstock, and sending it to you anyway. Wow, this comment is getting waayyy too detailed. Oh, well! :P
Thanks for the update! Sounds like you had fun with your friend! :) I hope you'll check out my online, Christian magazine for tween/teen girls: http://bloommagazine.webs.com. It would make my day if you become a subscriber!
Hi Taylor
Firstly, I'm so glad to hear that your dad is improving and may he just grow stronger each day. It's so wonderful to be able to trust the LORD for everything!!
It's always nice to have friends staying over - you must have had fun! :D
By the way, those cupcakes look SO good!
I know what you mean about a sore mouth! I've had braces on for almost 2 years now and I can still remember how it hurt when they were first fitted! If things go well I'm hoping to have them off in December. :)
Keeping you and your family in prayer.
God bless you.
Love in Christ
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