... I have a few more awards to post! Since there are so many of them and I don't have much time, I think I'm going to do what Lindsay did in her post and skip out on the tag portions that are supposed to be included. ...I hope that's okay with everybody! :) Also, I'm going to "officially" tag anyone who hasn't been awarded with one of these yet!
The Best of Friends Award
The Best of Friends Award
The Beautiful Blogger Award
The Beautiful Blogger Award
The Sweet Friend Award
The Faithful Commenter Award
The Prolific Blogger Award
The Prolific Blogger Award
The Lemonade Stand Award
but certainly not least,
this one is from...
Wow, thank you so much to every
one of you girls for thinking of me!
I love the awards and I really do
I love the awards and I really do
appreciate all the sweet things you
mentioned about me in your posts.
Thank you! :)
Thank you! :)
Now...It's time for me to go! I won't be posting here or using the Internet again for an entire month. I'm going to miss you all! But, I have to admit I'm looking forward to all the time that my family will be spending together as we read and study God's word. :)
I pray that you all have a wonderful
and blessed start to Summer! =)

May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Photo credit: Taken & edited by me. :)
Awww... I'm sooo sad, Taylor! But..... I know you'll have a great time with your family. Talk to ya later, dear friend!
Love you!
~ Linds ;)
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed time with your family! :)
We'll miss you! See ya when you get back in June!
Love in Christ,
Samarah ♥
nooo!!! *tears* I'm sure going to miss you Taylor! But I know this will be a great experience for your whole family! :)
Your friend,
I'm going to miss your posts, but I hope you and your family enjoy your study. It sounds really neat.
Your sister in Christ,
Liz Darcy
I guess you probably won't see this until June, but I'll comment anyway! ;) Just wanted to let you know you'll be missed!
Love and hugs,
I miss you already :)
God bless
Thanks, everyone! I'm
glad to be back now. =)
~ Taylor
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