Each year our church has a Christmas program on the life of Christ as an outreach to the community. It is a wonderful ministry and we are always extremely blessed to be a part of it. This year we're having to do things a little bit differently since we don't have quite as many people signed up. The previous years we've done a sort of "drama" with narration, songs, and even a few speaking parts. This year, however, we will be doing more of a walk-through with Scripture signs set up next to each scene and our pastor will be guiding each group through with a bit of preaching, as well! ;) Therefore, we're having to do quite a bit of work getting things prepared for the program! ...December is fast-approaching! (And I really cannot believe it!)
My sister has taken a few pictures from the different work days we've had. I thought I might share a few...

Here I am doing some touch-ups on the signs we used for last year's drama. Obviously, the dates will need to be redone!

This used to be a zebra, actually, but we needed to repaint it to use for a donkey. There are two of them. No one knew how to paint the faces on, and they were all afraid to mess it up! One lady volunteered to do it but by the time she was finished with the first one she was hoping someone else would do the second. I finally volunteered, although, I am definitely no artist!

So I got to painting!

Now he is finished!

(Keep in mind, they will only be seen from a distance, lol!)

Here, the men are putting the brick on the tomb. (The tomb from last year wasn't made with stone and was, unfortunately, torn up by the weather.)

Mortar mix. :)

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 :)

It is a wonderful thing to be working for the Lord! We are his servants, the sheep of his pasture, and the work that we do is done for his glory. It is his Gospel story and the saving power of Jesus Christ that we want to share with others--starting at the manger, then going to the cross! Our goal is to glorify the Lord in all of our work. We do it as unto him!
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17
I think you did a great job on the horse Taylor!
That looks like a lot of fun! By the way, you did a marvelous job on the donkey! :) It looks very nice.
Thank you both! :)
Oh, I really enjoyed the pictures, Taylor!!
You did a great job on the donkey - a lot better than I could have done. I am NOT an artist at all. My talents lie in other areas, I guess. lol! :D
~ Love,
Thank you so much taylor.
wow, it has been a long time since a read your blog.
wow! I LOVE THE :" Proverbs 31 in training".
how are you doing? how is fergie( the tractor?).
I'm going to fix out what is the matter with my new blog, so you can freely leave a comment.
GOd bless
Lindsay: Thanks... I know, I am a terrible artist! I seriously can barely draw using stick figures, lol! For the donkey, I was able to use a picture of one already drawn and also look at the one already finished. That helped a whole lot! Anyway, I plan on getting your letter in the mail this morning!
Joelle: I'm doing great! How are you doing? Thanks for commenting... it was good to hear from you. Oh, and Fergie is doing just fine. I'm glad you like my new blog look! God bless!
The zebra/donkey looks really good! Much better than I could do. And I've awarded you!
Wow great job! :)
wow looks like a lot of work! fantastic job!
Thank you, everyone!! I'm glad you all enjoyed it!
God bless,
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