I'm so excited... My 100th post is finally here! In celebration I thought it would be a lot of fun to host my very first giveaway! Now, I know I don't have the greatest amount of followers and readers but I thought this would still be a fun way to celebrate. :) So here are the items I will be giving away:
~ Prize Number One ~

~ Prize Number Two ~

A look inside...

~ Prize Number Three ~
Now here's how this giveaway will work:
I will be giving away each of the three prizes to a different winner.
- By leaving me a comment on this post... your name will automatically be entered one time for each of the three prizes.
- By putting the special button I've created for this giveaway on your sidebar (linking back to this page) OR (for those without a blog) by sharing with me your favorite thing about my blog... your name will be entered a second time for the prize of your choice. Just leave me a separate comment telling me you've done so and for which prize number you'd like to have your second entry.
- By posting about this giveaway on your blog (feel free to use the button I created) OR (for those without a blog) by sharing your favorite Bible verse or quote with me... your name will be entered a third time for the prize of your choice. Be sure to let me know you've done so and for which prize number you'd like to have your third entry.
ANYONE can enter, but I will not be shipping outside of the U.S.
The drawing will be held on Monday, November 30th. Happy entering!!
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
~ Taylor
Hello Taylor! Thank you for joining my blog and for your sweet comment! I love your blog as well. It seems that we have a lot in common. I was wondering, are you possibly attending the conference in December in Ohio? If you are, perhaps we will be able to meet!
I would like to enter your contest (cute things by the way.) I have posted about the giveway on my blog and also put it on my sidebar! Thanks for doing the giveway! Your prizes are really cute
Hi Taylor,
Oh, all of the things you're giving away are BEAUTIFUL!! This comment will be for my first entry. I will also put your button on my sidebar and include your giveaway in a post soon. How fun!!! ;)
~ Love,
Hi Taylor,
I just posted about your giveaway on my blog, and I also put your button on my sidebar. I think I want my extra entries to be for the button journal!
I can' wait until November 30th!! :)
~ Love,
Thanks for having this giveaway!
Lindsay (At Content in Christ) sent me over, and I'm glad she did! I'd love to enter!
I posted about this giveaway on my blog, put your special giveaway button on my blog, and I have commented on here twice!:)
Thanks for doing this!
my blog-
And, I think I'd like the Button Journal for the prize of my choice. Sorry I forgot to say that in my last comment :)
Hello Taylor,
Thank for your visiting my page and leaving me a comment! I love comments. I always get excited when I saw one awaiting me in the mornings. haha! :)
To answer your question, here is a very simple summary of a non-cessationist: "It is the belief that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit taught in the bible -- such as prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings, miracles, etc. -- have not ceased and are available for the believer today." This is in contrast with Cessationism which "teaches that supernatural gifts have ceased either when the canon of Scripture was completed or at the death of the last apostle." I know Theopedia.com has some interesting resources on these two beliefs from John Piper, Wayne Grudem, John McArthur, and a bunch of other well known theologians and pastors. It is a highly debated topic.
I just want to say that you have such a lovely page. You seem like a very creative young woman. :)
May the grace of the Lord be with you! :)
I just came across your blog and enjoyed reading it:) I would love to enter your contest!! Congrats on your 100th post..God bless and have a great day!!
Please sign me up! :-)
I just realized that I forgot to tell you which prizes I would like entered for. I would like to be entered for the button journal and the cards.
Thanks :)
Hi my name is Kayla! I really like your stuff you are giving away! My favorite bible verse is john 3:16 For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have etrnal life. Thats the NIV version. I am going to put your picture on my blog. God bless you!
Hi Taylor, I'm Buttercup. I just found you through Maggie's blog, and thought I'd stop by! I love homemade things! In my opinion, they are much nicer than bought things. :)
I'll have to let my parents look at your blog first, then I will probably be tuning in!
Love in Christ,
also, please take a look at my blog sometime!
Hey Taylor!
First of all, your new blog look is so pretty! I love it! :)
I really like the stuff your giving away, please enter me! I'm going to post about and put the button on my sidebar tomorrow!
I have to go now!
Much love,
What a fun giveaway!! I found your link through Lindsay at "Content in Christ".
~Miss Raquel
I posted about your giveaway and used your button...
I added your button!
Oops!! I forgot to say which gifts I was entering for! Let's see...
#1: the pillow
#2: the journal
I would love to win one of those prizes. :)
Hey Taylor,
I just posted about your giveaway. Here's the link:
This entry is for the pillow. :)
Hey again, Taylor! :)
I just put your button on my sidebar. This entry is for the cards! :)
I would like to enter your giveaway. I like all the prizes especially the button journal!
Alrighty Taylor! I posted about your giveaway and put you button on my side bar! I would like both of these entries to be for the journal!
Thanks again!
Oh and here is the link to my blog so you can see the post I did:
And, just in case this is any extra credit, I think my favorite bible verse is-
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Hello, I would like to enter for one of the three prizes!
I like your blog, I found it through
God's Daughters.
What fun giveaways!!!
You did such a great job on them. Very creative!!!
Please enter me in!
Laura Kay
Here is my second entry.
I just found your blog recently, but I like it alot already!!
I really enjoy the pictures of you & your sisters and also your posts about modesty.
I'm looking forward to reading more about you and what the Lord is showing you!!!
Hi Taylor,
I came across your button on Eldarwen's blog, and I thought I should visit to see if you were a girl. I am(or was) the only girl I knew whose name was Taylor, if that is your real name. I was reading your profile, and we have so much in common, it's scary! I go to a small Baptist church, I am homeschooled and have four sisters, I am the oldest and the two youngest are adopted! Is that freaky or what?!? Come to my blog to find out more.( I don't know how to put your button on my blog, could you tell me how?)
How fun!
Hi Taylor! I'm a new follower to your blog. That is very exiting that you're doing your first giveaway! Those cards you made are beautiful! I like making things also. BTW, your blog is very cute and I enjoy already reading your blog! Please check out my blog, go to momo-and-me.blogspot.com and it will take you there right away. I also came from Eldarwen's blog.
~ Moriah
Beutiful give aways!!! I love them! If you ever have a time to vist my blog that would be great!
And, I didn't see when you'd announce the winner. So, when is that?
What a great idea! The gifts are beautiful. put my name in please =] that is of course, if you have not yet picked a winner.
many blessings!
ok, I have enjoyed reading your blog so much so far that I am putting your cute little button in my sidebar. =] could you make my
2nd entry be for the button journal? I adore it! =]
Funny! I am also doing a give-away for my 100th post! Although mine is much smaller. :) Congratulations on 100 posts!
I was encouraged to enter the drawing by my granddaughter. It seems that you do quality work. Even if I don't win, I am pleased that you are interested in creating pretty things. Have you considered marketing them as a home business?
Granny Gwendolyn
By the way, I want to enter. :)
I can't find your button, where is it? Anyway, I'm posting about this giveaway on my blog, so please enter me for the button journal. I'm entered twice now, right? Please tell me how to get your button so I can be entered THREE times!
Taylor, Congratulations on your 100th blog! You are a blessing!I always enjoy reading your blog because it honors and gives glory to our Lord. Thank you for being a good example for other young ladies. All the prizes are beautiful! Sis #1 did a great job and so did you. In Christ, Susan
I would love to win any of these!
Hi There!!
I love your blog! I would love to win any of these!!!
My favorite bible verse is 1 Cor. 1:8
Hey we saw your stuff and we're like WOW! We hope, and I say we because we are best friends on blog (LOL), your day is blessed. BYE. :)
Hello! Looks really cool! I'll be glad to see who wins!!!!
Have fun!
Hi! I would love to be entered in your giveaway, and I'll definitely post about it! Have a great day!
Hello! I would like to enter for the prizes!
I also posted about it, and I'm going to put the button on my blog. =D Bye again! ~Lizzie
Ummm..... can I have the HTML for the button? I'm kinda new to blogger, so I don't really know how to do anything without the HTML. But, incase I don't get the HTML, I will tell you my favorite verse. It's Psamls 147:5 KJV Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.
Oh, and I for got when I posted about it that I want to enter for the button journal, same with this one. Bye for the last time maybe! ~Lizzie
Oh those prizes are so cute! I would love to enter! I just found your blog by a friend! Thank you for blogging! I would love to get a prize! Thank you!
I blogged about your contest! So please enter me in again! For the third prize please! Thank you so much!!
yeah, I am entering!
go here:
I put it on my sidebar, and posted about it! :) thanks for reminding me, girl!
Sure I guess I did. I'm really not sure Taylor!
Yes, I'd like to enter your give-away! ;)Thanks for checking.
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